If you still think that all online freebies will help you to stretch your budget you have not been listening. Sometimes they will and others will not. The fact is that you have to learn to avoid the following costly freebies:
Unhealthy foods-
If you really think that the free bag of chips that you got after redeeming a coupon or that package of cookies that you got as part of a buy one get one free deal sounded like a great way to save money you may have to think again. What about the hidden cost? Often times the foods that are easiest to obtain for free but they can also be the worst for your health.
Before you start stocking up on any food freebie, you really need to think about that. Being offered free food online doesn’t even make sense. You have to ask yourself some key questions here, such as:
1. How far does this food have to travel to get to me?
2. Why is this food being offered for free?
3. Is this from a viable local restaurant near me, or is this to be delivered to me at my home?
4. Is this food past its expiration date?
5. What type of offer am I getting in order for the food to be free?
6. Is this food perishable?
These are just common sense questions that everyone should ask before accepting free potentially perishables. You should also consider the cost of losing weight before you decide to accept a food freebie. Gym memberships and diet programs are far from free and your health could be at risk in eating something for free that you got on the internet.