Free Sample Sites
Free sample sites are a great place to start. These sites list lots of free samples that are available all over the web, and provide links to the freebie sites.
The benefit of using these sites is that someone else is doing a lot of the work for you. This means that you won’t have to spend a ton of research time to find the samples you are hoping to find.
Basically, one of the best free sample sites on the web is called Start This website actually requires a membership, but it is so worth it. Once you subscribe to it, you have access to tons of high quality samples that you are looking for.
In the most recent months some of their sample offers have included a free full-sized sample of name brand toothpaste, not to mention a variety of free year-long magazine subscriptions. That may sound too good to be true but it isn’t.
Some more good sample sites include: and Both of these sites feature daily updates, and are among the first to list new offers. Linking to them will keep you ahead of others and making sure that you find the best samples.
Walmart also offers a lot of freebie offers. Just go to and click on the "In Stores Now" tab to see what is going up for free next. When you go here you can find deals on samples from suchcompanies as John Frieda, Neutrogena, Hallmark, Garnier and Poise.