Totally Free Stuff
These offers are those that are obviously the best and most trusted form of free stuff to find on the net. This is what every single one of us who seeks freebies looks for when they search the net, and we do it because it is the opportunity to get goods and services absolutely free of charge.
I have noticed that as most of the websites become larger they offer less and less of these absolutely real freebies and they also quickly sell out to pushing less than stellar freebies that pay the site every time an item is requested (pay per click advertising).
The best freebies that you can find on the net are those that offer no compensation at all to the site. Basically how this works out is that all of the free offers these sites post were from free links that generate revenue to the web owner.
These companies are offering the web visitors a free item in exchange for valuable marketing tools such as a hold on their key demographic and psychological information that they could use as a means to gather information on your behavior and interests and they will eventually use this information to more effectively influence your buying decision.
So what this means is that in return for a free t-shirt you are providing the company with information about yourself and in some cases you are even agreeing to sign up for a newsletter that will help the company promote their goods.
You also may be forced to agree to view ads or even click on ads to obtain free merchandise which is another way for them to get some money. Unfortunately these totally free offers are also the most difficult to claim and receive.
The totally free services that the net offers are almost always paid for by advertising. This ends up being seen to their advantage because then they are able to pay you to surf is by selling advertising and giving you a small percentage of what they make in advertising revenue.